
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone,

So it's been a few days since my last post. In my absence I was enjoying a lot of time with the family. Everyone (mom, dad, Tammy, Scott, Leslie, Adam, and I) spent Christmas Eve over at Kara and Mario's house. Then, everyone went to Tammy and Scott's house to open Christmas presents. I have, and will continue to post pictures of that night on my facebook account. I am so happy that my parents go to make it to New Orleans this year. Last year, my mother had gallstones and was in the hospital back in Princeton. I was there for about a week but had to leave 4 days before Christmas. It was the first time in my life that I did not spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my parents. I do not want that to ever happen again. Anyways, I stayed over at my sisters house last night. Today (actually by my clock that would be yesterday), we woke up and everyone had my mothers famous sausage balls. Well maybe infamous, but if you tried them you would be an instant believer. And then we open up our stockings. We spent the rest of the day watching Christmas movies and then the NFL game later. Actually, I just got home about an hour ago.

I must say that this was an awesome Christmas. I got a camera, the new Star Trek DVD, all three DVD from the Underworld trilogy, The Simpson's season 12 DVD, cash ( a gift that you can never go wrong with), and of course clothes. I got to eat some really good food as well. Last night Scott deep-fried a turkey, Mario cooked some Puerto Rican roasted pork, green bean casserole, and sweet potato casserole. For desert, we had chocolate pecan pie, and of course Kara made Oreo truffles. The truffles are by far the best thing my taste buds have ever had the pleasure of encountering.

Sorry to keep it so short, but I am ready for bed. Busy day planned with the family again tomorrow.

Until then I'm Todd, and this has been Nightly News at Night.

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